All parents are encouraged to become involved in the school activities either in the classroom or socially.
Teachers welcome assistance in such areas as reading, special parent expertise or preparation of work materials. Children gain from having parents at the school whether in the tuckshop, in the library, at assembly, at parent morning teas, at sporting events, at liturgies or in the classroom. It is expected that parents will be given guidance as to their specific roles in a classroom setting and will assist the learners under the supervision of a teacher.
Parent Information Night
A night is set aside early in the year to allow teachers to inform parents of classroom programming; management of the curriculum; homework expectations and parent assistance both at school and at home.
Working Bees
Periodically parents are asked to become involved in working bees for specific tasks. It is hoped that each family is represented at such activities during a year or that it supports the working bee with resources or financially. Among other things it is seen as a valuable social activity and is community building.